Dementia Drop in
Here at Marple Sports Club, we are keen to be a central part of the Community. We already host various fitness classes in the evenings during the week, but did you know we also have a Dementia Drop In on Fridays?
Our “Drop In’s” provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, where people with dementia and their carers can meet, chat and have a bite to eat and drink.
The Drop In is run by a group of volunteers, helping by welcoming and chatting to people visiting the Drop-in, or working behind the bar and in the kitchen.
Available from 11:30am – 1.30pm on Friday mornings, people affected by dementia are welcome to join us. We provide a range of activities from gentle exercise, to craft sessions and sing along’s, plus information and advice. An information and advice advisor from either the Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK Stockport or Stockport Signpost for Carers is usually available at most sessions.
From time to time we may need to recruit more volunteers, so if you have spare time on a Friday and would like to assist, please contact us either by telephone 0161 414 0160, or email: info@marpledementiadropin.org.
For more information you can also visit our dedicated Website at www.marpledementiadropin.org